Interview: Eine menschliche Katastrophe. Internet-guru Manuel Castells über die Folgen der Kommunikations-Revolution, die Zukunft der Nationalstaaten und die Informationselite
"Interview: Eine menschliche Katastrophe. Internet-guru Manuel Castells über die Folgen der Kommunikations-Revolution, die Zukunft der Nationalstaaten und die Informationselite"
Entrevista: A máquina humana, o cientista catalão Manuel Castells preve que o homen coleccionará células para repor órgaos e que as cidades serão aglomerados de guetos
"Entrevista: A máquina humana, o cientista catalão Manuel Castells preve que o homen coleccionará células para repor órgaos e que as cidades serão aglomerados de guetos"
Rulers Used to Spy on the People. Now the People Spy on Their Rulers, On Their Sexual Affairs Above All
LLOYD, John. "Interview: Manuel Castells 'Rulers Used to Spy on the People. Now the People Spy on Their Rulers, On Their Sexual Affairs Above All'". New Statesman, 5th June 1998, pp. 13-14. (en)
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"Rulers Used to Spy on the People. Now the People Spy on Their Rulers, On Their Sexual Affairs Above All"