Discursos i conferències
Il sociologo Manuel Castells: Tutti i movimenti hanno in comune la difesa della dignità
Il sociologo Manuel Castells: 'Tutti i movimenti hanno in comune la difesa della dignità. Meet the Media Guru, Milan, Itàlia, 7 novembre 2012, (02:53 min.). (en)Creative education for the Information Age: Mission Impossible?
Creative education for the Information Age: Mission Impossible? [Conferenciant principal]. IX International Seminar 'Transformative Changes in Education: System-wide Approach', organized by The UNESCO Chair in e-Learning of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, 26 novembre 2012, (38:50 min.). (en)Manuel Castells: Ciencia y Tecnología en el nuevo modelo de desarrollo informacional
Manuel Castells: 'Ciencia y Tecnología en el nuevo modelo de desarrollo informacional' [Conferència]. XIV Congreso Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de la APANAC: Ciencia y tecnología al servicio de la sociedad, Centro de Convenciones de la Cuidad del Saber, Panamà, 18 octubre 2012, (01:26:20 h.). (es)Manuel Castells: Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age
Manuel Castells: 'Networks of Outrage and Hope: Social Movements in the Internet Age'. The Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 23 agost 2012, (01:25:25 h.). (en)Panel Discussion: “The Future of the Global Economy”
Panel Discussion: 'The Future of the Global Economy'. USC Global Conversation, USC University of Southern California, Londres, UK, 9 octubre 2012, (01:47:52 h.). (en)Manuel Castells: The Global Financial Crisis and Alternative Economic Cultures
Manuel Castells: The Global Financial Crisis and Alternative Economic Cultures. The New School for Public Engagement, organitzat per the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy at The New School, New York, 17 maig 2012, (01:50:12 h.). (en)Holberg International Memorial Prize 2012: Manuel Castells
Holberg International Memorial Prize 2012: Manuel Castells. Discurs pronunciat durant la cerimònia d'entrega del Premi Holberg 2012. Holbergprisen, Bergen, Noruega, 6 juny 2012, (25:58 min.)