La institución universitaria en la era de la información (Part I, II, III, IV)
La institución universitaria en la era de la información (Part I, II, III, IV) [Conference]. Foro Internacional Valparaíso 2010. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (PUCV), Chile, 24th June 2010, (30:11 min.). (es)
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"La institución universitaria en la era de la información (Part I, II, III, IV)"
Conferència inaugural sobre la mobilitat, canvi social i comunicació
[Inaugural lecture about mobility, social change and communication]. 6th edition of TiceMed, International conference about eLearning. Universitá Milano, Bicocca, Italy, 28th May 2009. (it)
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"Conferència inaugural sobre la mobilitat, canvi social i comunicació"
Dalla follia finanziaria alla politica della speranza
[Debate]: 'Dalla follia finanziaria alla politica della speranza' [Keynote speaker]. Manuel Castells debates with Michele Salvati, Marco Vitale and Aldo Schiavone. Meeting organized by Fondazione Corriere della Sera, Fondazione per l’Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM), Centro Interdipartimentale dell’Università di Milano Bicocca “Progetto Qua_Si – Qualità della vita nella Società dell’Informazione”, Italy, 28th May 2009. (it)
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"Dalla follia finanziaria alla politica della speranza"
Seminar: 'Higher Education and Economic Development'. Center of Higher Education Transformation, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, Sud-Àfrica, 21st August 2009. (en)
[Plenary session on research and development] [Keynote speaker]. 23rd International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE) World Conference: 'Flexible Education for All: Open–Global–Innovative'. Maastricht, Netherlands, 8th June 2009. (en)
The crisis of global capitalism: towards a new economic culture?
The crisis of global capitalism: towards a new economic culture? (Part I, II, III and IV) [Conference]. Graduate School of Humanities Building, University of Cape Town, 19th August 2009, (51:23 min.). (en)
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"The crisis of global capitalism: towards a new economic culture?"