Manuel Castells
Manuel CastellsScientific work


From Media Politics to Networked Politics: the Internet and the Political Process

CASTELLS, Manuel; SEY, Araba. “From Media Politics to Networked Politics: the Internet and the Political Process”. In: Mousepads, Shoe Leather, and Hope: Lessons from the Howard Dean Campaign for the Future of Internet Politics. Zephyr Teachout and Thomas Streeter, et al. (ed.). Boulder, CO: Paradigm Publishers, cop. 2008. pp. 225-232. (en)
CASTELLS, Manuel; SEY, Araba. “De la política en los medios a la política en red: Internet y el proceso político”. In: La Sociedad red: una visión global. Madrid: Alianza, DL 2006. pp. 440-461.(es)

Inovação, libertade e poder na era da informação

CASTELLS, Manuel. “Inovação, libertade e poder na era da informação”. In: Sociedade midiatizada. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad X, cop. 2006. pp. 225-231. (pt)
CASTELLS, Manuel. “Información, libertad y poder en la era de la información”. In: Sociedad mediatizada. Marc Augé... [et al]. Barcelona : Gedisa, 2007. pp. 175-182.(es)