Manuel Castells
Manuel CastellsScientific work


The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol 1. The Rise of the Network Society

SCHNEIDER, Peter A. "The Information Age: Economy, Society and Culture. Vol 1. The Rise of the Network Society". Journal of Marketing, Vol. 61, No. 4, October 1997, pp. 96-98. (en)

The Rise of the Network Society

MELUCCI, Alberto. "The Rise of the Network Society". American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 103, No. 2, September 1997, pp. 521-523. (en)

Electronic Shocks

MCGOOKIN, Steve. "Electronic Shocks". Financial Times, 3rd December 1996. (en)

Out of place

GIDDENS, Anthony. "Out of place". The Times Higher Education, 13th December 1996, p. 18. (en)

Tecnópolis las ciudades del chip'. [Ressenya: Las tecnópolis del mundo: La formación de los complejos industriales del siglo XXI]

FERNANDEZ, Juan. "Tecnópolis las ciudades del chip" [Book review: 'Las tecnópolis del mundo': La formación de los complejos industriales del siglo XXI]. Cambio16, No. 1200, 21 noviembre 1994, pp. 44-46. (es)

A Design That Taps Into the 'Information City'

MUSCHAMP, Herbert. "A Design That Taps Into the 'Information City". New York Times, 9th August 1992, p. 32. (en)