Communication technology as material culture: Internet and autonomy building in the network society
Communication technology as material culture: Internet and autonomy building in the network society [Colloquium]. Annenberg Auditorium, University of Southern California, USC Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, Los Angeles, CA, 14th November 2002, (01:20:49 h.). (en)
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"Communication technology as material culture: Internet and autonomy building in the network society "
Internet, Economy and Society: What Do We Know? A Comparative Study
Internet, Economy and Society: What Do We Know? A Comparative Study[Opening Lecture]. Science, Technology & Society distinguished lecture series co-sponsored by the Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Castells’ talk is also part of the 2002-03 STS speakers’ series, hosted by the International Institute, the School of Information, the LS&A Dean’s Office, the History Department, the Historical Center for the Health Sciences and the Program in Society and Medicine. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, 20th September 2002. (en)
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"Internet, Economy and Society: What Do We Know? A Comparative Study "
O novo paradigma do desenvolvimento e suas instituições: conhecimento, tecnologia da informação e recursos humanos
O novo paradigma do desenvolvimento e suas instituições: conhecimento, tecnologia da informação e recursos humanos. Perspectiva comparada com referência à América Latina. In: Desenvolvimento em debate; organizadora Ana Célia Castro. Rio de Janeiro: Mauad: BNDES, [2002], pp. 397-416. International Seminar on Latin American Development Bank of Brazil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 2002. (pt)
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"O novo paradigma do desenvolvimento e suas instituições: conhecimento, tecnologia da informação e recursos humanos"
El desarrollo regional en la economía de la información
El desarrollo regional en la economía de la información [Inaugural speech Summer Courses].Universidad de Zaragoza, Jaca, Zaragoza, Spain, July 2002. (es)
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"El desarrollo regional en la economía de la información"