Manuel Castells
Manuel CastellsScientific work

Speeches and conferences

Information Technology and Global Development

Information Technology and Global Development. Keynote Address to the Economic and Social Council. United Nations, New York, NY, May 2000. (en)

The Network society: Information Technology and its Social Implications

The Network society: Information Technology and its Social Implications. The Fifteenth Annual Samuel Lazerow Memorial Lecture. UCLA Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, Berkeley, CA, 27th April 2000. (en)

Russian Federalism and Siberian Regionalism

Russian Federalism and Siberian Regionalism, 1990-2000. Speech prepared for 'Convenor Group on Challenges to Sovereignty from Above and Below'. Institute of European Studies and Institute of Slavic, Eurasian, and Eastern European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, CA, March 2000. (en)

Aprender en la sociedad de la información: la educación que queremos

Aprender en la sociedad de la información: la educación que queremos [Opening Lecture]. Fundación Santillana, Madrid, Spain, 31st May 2000. (es)

Seminari dexperts sobre la societat dinformació a Europa

Seminar on the Information Society in Europe [Keynote speaker]. Portuguese Presidency of the European Union, Sintra, Portugal, 1999. (en)

The Networked Economy in the Global Village

The Networked Economy in the Global Village. Speaker in Plenary Session, and Chair on the Plenary Session. The State of the World Forum, San Francisco, CA, October 1999. (en)

Conferència destacada

[Distinguished Lecture]. University of California, Los Angeles, CA, 1999. (en)

Conferència destacada

[Distinguished Lecture]. University of California, Department of Communication, and Supercomputer Center, San Diego, CA, October 1999. (en)

Seminari Internacional sobre Globalització

International Conference on Globalisation [Keynote speaker]. World Economy Institute (IMEMO), Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, 1999 (en)