"Comunicación, poder y contrapoder en la sociedad red (II). Los nuevos espacios de la comunicación"
"50 Key Sociologists: the Contemporary Theorists"
"Cyberculture theorists Manuel Castells and Donna Haraway"
"Manuel Castells 'Der aufstieg der netzwerkgesellschaft': aus der triologie 'Das informationszeitalter'"
"“Science and Technology in Society: from Biotechnology to the Internet”"
"Communication, Power and Counter-power in the Network Society"
"Manuel Castells (1942-present) and Globalisation Theorists: the “Definitive” Decline of the Nation-State"
"Local and Global: Conversations with Manuel Castells"
"La guerra dei cervei."
"En qué mundo vivimos. Conversaciones con Manuel Castells"