Sink or Swim: The New Networked Capitalism System Poses this Ominous Choice.
MARAIS, Hein."Sink or Swim: The New Networked Capitalism System Poses this Ominous Choice. Spanish Sociologist Manuel Castells has Mapped its Exclusionary Logic and Advocates a 'Technological Marshall Plan for the Fourth World'". Leadership, August 2000, pp. 60-64. (en)
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"Sink or Swim: The New Networked Capitalism System Poses this Ominous Choice."
Cyberbia ou Cyberkeley? Ou comment Internet peut anéantir ou favoriser les libertés
CYPEL, Sylvain. Cyberbia ou Cyberkeley? Ou comment Internet peut anéantir ou favoriser les libertés. Le Monde, supplément: '21 questions au XXI siècle', janvier 2000. (fr)
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"Cyberbia ou Cyberkeley? Ou comment Internet peut anéantir ou favoriser les libertés"
Efectes a Europa de les eleccions als EUA [Grabación de vídeo]; dirección: Manuel Campo Vidal. [Sant Joan Despí]: Televisió de Catalunya, cop. 2000. 1 videodisco (DVD) 95 min: col. (PAL), sonido. (Catalunya XXI; 14). Capítulo 14 del programa Catalunya XXI, emitido por Televisió de Catalunya el 10-11-2000. Presentación: Manuel Campo Vidal. (01:30:10 h.) (ca)
Uneasy? He's Here to Help. Graduate Students in Politics, Economics, IT and the Social Sciences All Turn to the Same Man. Martin Ince meets Manuel Castells
INCE, Martin. 'Uneasy? He's Here to Help'. Graduate Students in Politics, Economics, IT and the Social Sciences All Turn to the Same Man. Martin Ince meets Manuel Castells. The Times Higher Education, Supplement, 24th November 2000. (en)
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"Uneasy? He's Here to Help. Graduate Students in Politics, Economics, IT and the Social Sciences All Turn to the Same Man. Martin Ince meets Manuel Castells"
Crisis petroli i nova economia [Grabación de vídeo]; dirección: Manuel Campo Vidal. [Sant Joan Despí]: Televisió de Catalunya, cop. 2000. 1 videodisco (DVD) 95 min: col. (PAL), sonido. (Catalunya XXI; 13). Capítulo 13 del programa Catalunya XXI, emitido por Televisió de Catalunya el 03-11-00. Presentación: Manuel Campo Vidal; contertulianos: Joan Rosell Lastortas, Pedro Fontana, Francesc Raventós. (01:35 h.). (ca)