Moderador de les sessions Information Technologies and urban-regional development i Environment and Society
Moderador de las sesiones 'Information Technologies and urban-regional development' i 'Environment and Society'. World Congress of Sociology, Madrid, España, 1990. (en)
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"Moderador de les sessions Information Technologies and urban-regional development i Environment and Society"
Crisis urbana y participación popular. Conferencias pronunciadas en la Universidad de San Simon en Cochabamba. Colegio de Arquitectos de Cochabamba, Bolivia, 1988. (es)
Conferencia sobre 'The Edge of the City' [Conferenciante principal]. Columbia University, Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Nova York, NY, 1992. (en)
Social Organization and Social Movements in Latin American Squatter Settlements
Social Organization and Social Movements in Latin American Squatter Settlements. Ponencia preparada para el panel del Third World Urbanization del Xth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Nueva Delhi, India, diciembre 1978. (en)
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"Social Organization and Social Movements in Latin American Squatter Settlements"
Advanced Capitalism, Collective Consumption, and Urban Contradictions: New Sources of Inequality and New Models for Change
Advanced Capitalism, Collective Consumption, and Urban Contradictions: New Sources of Inequality and New Models for Change. En: Stress and contradiction in modern capitalism: public policy and the theory of the State; edited by Leon N. Lindberg ... [et al.]. Ponencias de la International Conference en 'Patterns of Change in Advanced Industrial Society: Priorities for Social Science Research in the 1970's and 1980's', celebrado en Monterosso-al-Mare, Génova, Italia, noviembre 1973. (en)
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"Advanced Capitalism, Collective Consumption, and Urban Contradictions: New Sources of Inequality and New Models for Change"