Informational Revolution, the Net, and Cultural Identity: a conceptual critique of Manuel Castells, The information Age
HEISKALA, Risto. "Informational Revolution, the Net, and Cultural Identity: a conceptual critique of Manuel Castells, The information Age". (Artículo preparado para el 2001. Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, August 18-21, Anaheim, CA.). (en)
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"Informational Revolution, the Net, and Cultural Identity: a conceptual critique of Manuel Castells, The information Age"
STALDER, Felix. 'In den Fängen der Netzgesellschaft' (Manuel Castells's Klassiker über die Informations-gesellschaft wird nun auch auf Deutsch übersetzt. Es ist ein Standardwerk, das einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Verständnis der Gegenwart leistet). Tagesanzeiger, 8 Oktober 2001. (de)
Deciphering Information Technologies. Modern Societies as Networks (Manuel Castells. The Information Age. A critical assessment)
STEHR, Niko. "Deciphering Information Technologies. Modern Societies as Networks (Manuel Castells. The Information Age. A critical assessment)". European Journal of Social Theory, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2000, pp. 83-94. (en)
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"Deciphering Information Technologies. Modern Societies as Networks (Manuel Castells. The Information Age. A critical assessment)"