Manuel Castells
Manuel CastellsScientific work

Speeches and conferences

Conferència destacada Academic Senate

Distinguished lecture 'Academic Senate'. University of Southern California, Annenberg School for Communication, Los Angeles, CA, October 2000. (en)

Presentació de ledició russa de The Information Age

Launch of the Russian edition of 'The Information Age'. Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia, December 2000. (en)

Association of Internet Researchers Conference

Association of Internet Researchers Conference [Keynote speaker]. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, September 2000. (en)

Lliçó inaugural

Opening lecture. Fundación Banco de Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, Forum on the New Economy, Madrid, Spain, October 2000. (en)

World Conference on Urban Futures

World Conference on Urban Futures [Keynote speaker]. University of Witwatersraand, Johannesburg, South Africa, July 2000. (en)

Seminari sobre Globalització i desenvolupament a Àfrica

Seminar on Globalization and development in Africa [Keynote Speaker]. World Congress on Cities Future, Pretoria, South Africa, June 2000. (es)

Clarendon Lectures in Management

Clarendon Lectures in Management. Oxford University, Oxford, UK, June 2000. (en)

Linacre Lecture

Linacre Lecture. Oxford University, Oxford, UK, June 2000. (en)